Coole Harmonies were at the heart of Coole Music from its very beginning. Starting off as a group of young children singing in one or two parts, it has since developed into a full youth choir, mastering pieces of different genres, performing in 3-4 parts both acapella or accompanied. These young committed singers memorise their entire repertoire which gives their performances a strong stage presence. The choir is conducted by Noreen McDermott and Helen Hancock and accompanied by pianist Teresa Turner. Joan O’Neill Kelly is the dedicated choir co-ordinator, helping with everything  that needs to be done behind the scenes.

The choir have performed in Galway, Gort, Kinvara, Loughrea, Kilkenny, Cork and also Warwick, England. They have presented three major stage shows in the past years – Ocean World, Yanomamo and Molly’s Diary. The choir sings as a whole for most productions with some projects designed for the older group Coole Amies who for example performed at the Village Theatre as backing singers with Richard Navarro and the younger group Coole Enfants who have travelled to Kylemore Abbey to work together with Sr Karol O’Connell and her young choir out there in Connemara. Coole Harmonies also collaborate with other choirs from Ireland and abroad and regularly join up with American choirs who are touring Ireland.

Choir rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings from 6.05-7.05pm, in Room 30, Gort Community School. It costs €10/annum to join Coole Music, and choir fees are €60 every ten weeks, with a discount for siblings.

New members, age 8+ are welcome to audition to join the choir.  For more information, please contact Sarah Fahy at 0863467245 or email for more information.