Coole Music Theory Classes for 2019-20

Coole Music offers a defined progression path for students studying music theory. A deeper understanding of the underlying theory and musical structures within classical music hugely benefits the practical learning process. This becomes increasingly apparent the more advanced the students become. Understanding music theory from the beginning leads to fluency in note reading and writing and enables the students to develop into independent and rounded musicians. We are therefore offering group lessons and encourage students to join them at their level. One-to-one lessons are also available by request.

For children in Voyager, Discovery and DaCapo Orchestras, theory will be included as part of their regular rehearsal sessions with Katharina Baker; no extra theory class is required at this time.

For musicians playing at Crescendo Orchestra level it is recommended that theory classes be included in their weekly schedule and class times are listed below.

For children playing at Youth Orchestra level and studying music as part of the junior cert or leaving certificate curriculum, theory classes are highly recommended.  See class times below.  

Group: Level 2 Group B (continuation class from last year)

Class Takes Place on: Thursdays

Class Time: 5.30-6.00pm

Teacher: Bryonie Hopper

Cost: €50/term

Group: Level 4

Class Takes Place on: Saturdays

Class Time: 9.20-10.00am and 10.30-11

Teacher: Bryonie Hopper

Cost: €50/term

Level 2 and Level 6+ – one-to-one lessons available. Contact Sarah Fahy to book.